Graphical interfaceΒΆ

PAIREF provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to make an execution of calculations easier. It can be launched in the terminal (GNU/Linux, macOS) or CCP4 console (Windows) running command:

ccp4-python -m pairef --gui


If you got an error message No module named pairef, check whether PAIREF is properly installed in CCP4 environment - read the section PAIREF works with PHENIX but not with CCP4 including PAIREF GUI.


If you have installed PAIREF as root or you added the user site-packages directory in your shell PATH, you should be able to launch GIU simply executing pairef-gui.

The graphical user interface depends on PyQt4. This framework is available in the CCP4 Software Suite - not in PHENIX. If you wanted to use GUI and phenix.refine, it is possible with the following setup: Firstly, set the paths to the executables for both CCP4 and PHENIX - the instructions are written on the following page: Troubleshooting. In Windows, use the CCP4 console and the paths to PHENIX executables can be configured via running the script phenix_env.bat, so just execute "C:\Program Files\Phenix\phenix-installer-1.19.2-4158-intel-windows-x86_64\phenix_env.bat" in the CCP4 console. With the correct path setting, you should be able to execute ccp4-python -m pairef --gui and run PAIREF while using phenix.refine.