Results - poli_ccp4sw2023

Calculations ended successfully.

VERDICT - suggested cutoff: strict: 2.10 A; benevolent: 2.00 A

2.30-2.10 A Yes Overall Rfree decreased while using data in the shell 2.30-2.10 A
2.10-2.00 A Warning Overall Rfree decreased while using data in the shell 2.10-2.00 A
Rfree in high resolution is higher than 0.40 while using data in the shell 2.10-2.00 A
Rwork in high resolution is higher than 0.40 while using data in the shell 2.10-2.00 A
2.00-1.90 A No Overall Rfree decreased while using data in the shell 2.00-1.90 A
Rfree in high resolution is higher than 0.40 while using data in the shell 2.00-1.90 A
Rwork in high resolution is higher than 0.40 while using data in the shell 2.00-1.90 A
CC1/2 in high resolution is negative or undefined while using data in the shell 2.00-1.90 A
But statistics deteriorate in a previous resolution shell.

Input parameters

High resolution diffraction limits:2.30 Å, 2.10 Å, 2.00 Å, 1.90 Å
Initial structure model:poli67_webinar_2-3A.pdb
Merged diffraction data:poli67_1-9A.mtz
Unmerged diffraction data:poli67_XDS_ASCII_1-9A.HKL
Weight matrix for REFMAC5:0.0600
Data with FreeRflag set 0 will be excluded during refinement.

Run details and program versions

Working directory:/home/martin/Documents/PAIREF_webinar_poli/pairef_poli_ccp4sw2023
Run date and time:2022-12-21 13:04:18
PAIREF version:1.3.9
REFMAC5 version:5.8.0403
Python version and executable:3.7.12 /opt/ccp4/ccp4-8.0/libexec/python3.7
matplotlib version:3.3.4
WARNING: The version of REFMAC5 used for refinement of the input structure model `poli67_webinar_2-3A.pdb` (5.8.0258) is not the same as the version of REFMAC5 that is now installed and used during paired refinement (5.8.0403). The results from PAIREF could be misleading. Consider refinement of the structure model `poli67_webinar_2-3A.pdb` using the installed version of REFMAC5. This could be performed using the arguments --refmac --prerefinement-ncyc

Overall values

Raw data: poli_ccp4sw2023_R-values.csv
# Shell      Rwork(init) Rwork(fin) Rwork(diff)   Rfree(init) Rfree(fin) Rfree(diff)
2.30A->2.10A      0.2255     0.2232     -0.0023        0.2989     0.2956     -0.0033
2.10A->2.00A      0.2325     0.2315     -0.0010        0.3108     0.3096     -0.0012
2.00A->1.90A      0.2413     0.2422      0.0009        0.3178     0.3166     -0.0012

Note: For each incremental step of resolution from X->Y, the R-values were calculated at resolution X.

Raw data: poli_ccp4sw2023_Rgap.csv

Note: The R-values were calculated at 2.30 Å resolution.

Model statistics - binned values

Rfree CCfree
Rwork CCwork
Raw data: No_work_free_reflections

Optical resolution

Optical resolution
Raw data: poli_ccp4sw2023_Optical_resolution.csv

Merging statistics

WARNING: A CC*-value for a particular shell could not be calculated as it is undefined for a negative value of CC1/2. (CC1/2 = -0.132)
CC Intensities Comp_Mult Rmerge_Rmeas_Rpim No_reflections

Raw data: poli_ccp4sw2023_merging_stats.csv

#shell d_max  d_min   #obs  #uniq   mult.  %comp       <I>  <I/sI>    r_mrg   r_meas    r_pim   r_anom   cc1/2   cc_ano     cc* 
01     47.05   5.13  22367   1948   11.48  99.44     494.1    38.8    0.042    0.044    0.013    0.021   0.999  -0.214   0.9997
02      5.13   3.63  42232   3343   12.63  99.79     203.3    31.7    0.064    0.067    0.019    0.031   0.999  -0.163   0.9997
03      3.63   2.97  57138   4246   13.46  99.95      56.9    14.3    0.151    0.157    0.042    0.072   0.997  -0.166   0.9992
04      2.97   2.57  65007   5014   12.97  99.70      11.3     4.0    0.622    0.648    0.178    0.325   0.951  -0.025   0.9874
05      2.57   2.30  73887   5623   13.14  99.89       3.7     1.3    1.839    1.914    0.523    0.848   0.730  -0.014   0.9187
06      2.30   2.10  83129   6181   13.45  99.92       1.2     0.4    5.812    6.041    1.633    1.518   0.311   0.001   0.6888
07      2.10   2.00  49772   4021   12.38  98.51       0.3     0.1   16.989   17.721    4.963    1.944   0.027   0.008   0.2293
08      2.00   1.90  35920   4046    8.88  81.18       0.1     0.0   41.435   43.993   14.417    2.297  -0.132  -0.016   N/A

Statistics vs. cycle

2.10A statistics vs. cycle, flag 00
Log file from refinement at 2.10 Å
Structure model refined at 2.10 Å PDB mmCIF
2.00A statistics vs. cycle, flag 00
Log file from refinement at 2.00 Å
Structure model refined at 2.00 Å PDB mmCIF
1.90A statistics vs. cycle, flag 00
Log file from refinement at 1.90 Å
Structure model refined at 1.90 Å PDB mmCIF


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