Results - poli67

Calculations ended successfully.

Input parameters

High resolution diffraction limits:2.30 Å, 2.20 Å, 2.10 Å, 2.00 Å, 1.90 Å
Initial structure model:poli67_edit12_refmac1.pdb
Merged diffraction data:poli67_R.mtz
Unmerged diffraction data:XDS_ASCII.HKL
Weight matrix for REFMAC5:0.0600
Number of refinement cycles that will be performed in every resolution step:10
Number of pre-refinement cycles that will be performed before the paired refinement protocol:10
Data with FreeRflag set 0 will be excluded during refinement.

Run details and program versions

Working directory:/public/pairef_datasets/publication_examples/3-5_POLI/pairef_poli67
Run date and time:2020-05-28 10:46:53
PAIREF version:1.1.0
REFMAC5 version:5.8.0258
Python version and executable:2.7.15 /protein2/phenix/phenix-1.16-3546/build/../conda_base/bin/python2.7
matplotlib version:2.2.3

Overall values

Raw data: poli67_R-values.csv
# Shell      Rwork(init) Rwork(fin) Rwork(diff)   Rfree(init) Rfree(fin) Rfree(diff)
2.30A->2.20A      0.2236     0.2216     -0.0020        0.2971     0.2967     -0.0004
2.20A->2.10A      0.2279     0.2294      0.0015        0.3027     0.3003     -0.0024
2.10A->2.00A      0.2322     0.2318     -0.0004        0.3107     0.3097     -0.0010
2.00A->1.90A      0.2412     0.2417      0.0005        0.3152     0.3160      0.0008

Note: For each incremental step of resolution from X->Y, the R-values were calculated at resolution X.

Raw data: poli67_Rgap.csv

Note: The R-values were calculated at 2.30 Å resolution.

Dependence on resolution

Rfree CCfree
Rwork CCwork
Raw data: No_work_free_reflections

Optical resolution

Optical resolution
Raw data: poli67_Optical_resolution.csv

Merging statistics

WARNING: A CC*-value for a particular shell could not be calculated. (CC1/2 = -0.132)
CC Intensities Comp_Mult Rmerge_Rmeas_Rpim No_reflections

Raw data: poli67_merging_stats.csv

#shell d_max  d_min   #obs  #uniq   mult.  %comp       <I>  <I/sI>    r_mrg   r_meas    r_pim   cc1/2   cc_ano     cc* 
01     47.05   5.13  22367   1948   11.48  99.44     494.1    38.8    0.042    0.044    0.013   0.999  -0.214   0.9997
02      5.13   3.63  42232   3343   12.63  99.79     203.3    31.7    0.064    0.067    0.019   0.999  -0.163   0.9997
03      3.63   2.97  57138   4246   13.46  99.95      56.9    14.3    0.151    0.157    0.042   0.997  -0.166   0.9992
04      2.97   2.57  65007   5014   12.97  99.70      11.3     4.0    0.622    0.648    0.178   0.951  -0.025   0.9874
05      2.57   2.30  73887   5623   13.14  99.89       3.7     1.3    1.839    1.914    0.523   0.730  -0.014   0.9187
06      2.30   2.20  37405   2818   13.27  99.93       1.6     0.6    4.462    4.641    1.263   0.400   0.033   0.7559
07      2.20   2.10  45724   3363   13.60  99.91       0.9     0.3    7.623    7.920    2.129   0.196  -0.008   0.5725
08      2.10   2.00  49772   4021   12.38  98.51       0.3     0.1   16.989   17.721    4.963   0.027   0.008   0.2293
09      2.00   1.90  35920   4046    8.88  81.18       0.1     0.0   41.435   43.993   14.417  -0.132  -0.016   N/A

Statistics vs. cycle

2.30A statistics vs. cycle, flag 00
Log file from refinement at 2.30 Å
Structure model refined at 2.30 Å PDB mmCIF
2.20A statistics vs. cycle, flag 00
Log file from refinement at 2.20 Å
Structure model refined at 2.20 Å PDB mmCIF
2.10A statistics vs. cycle, flag 00
Log file from refinement at 2.10 Å
Structure model refined at 2.10 Å PDB mmCIF
2.00A statistics vs. cycle, flag 00
Log file from refinement at 2.00 Å
Structure model refined at 2.00 Å PDB mmCIF
1.90A statistics vs. cycle, flag 00
Log file from refinement at 1.90 Å
Structure model refined at 1.90 Å PDB mmCIF


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