Results - BO_from2-80A

Calculations ended successfully.

Input parameters

High resolution diffraction limits:2.80 Å, 2.70 Å, 2.59 Å, 2.50 Å, 2.40 Å, 2.30 Å
Initial structure model:BO_edit94_refmac1.pdb
Merged diffraction data:BO_R.mtz
Unmerged diffraction data:XDS_ASCII.HKL
Crystallographic restraints:merge_TRP-HIS_FC6.cif
Keywords for
Weight matrix for REFMAC5:0.0480
Number of refinement cycles that will be performed in every resolution step:10
Number of pre-refinement cycles that will be performed before the paired refinement protocol:10
Data with FreeRflag set 0 will be excluded during refinement.
Modification of the input structure model:
  • Reset B-factors to the mean value
  • Randomize coordinates with the given mean error value: 0.02

Run details and program versions

Working directory:/public/pairef_datasets/publication_examples/3-6_BO/pairef_BO_from2-80A
Run date and time:2020-05-28 11:42:35
PAIREF version:1.1.0
REFMAC5 version:5.8.0258
Python version and executable:2.7.15 /protein2/phenix/phenix-1.16-3546/build/../conda_base/bin/python2.7
matplotlib version:2.2.3

Overall values

Raw data: BO_from2-80A_R-values.csv
# Shell      Rwork(init) Rwork(fin) Rwork(diff)   Rfree(init) Rfree(fin) Rfree(diff)
2.80A->2.70A      0.1533     0.1552      0.0019        0.2282     0.2274     -0.0008
2.70A->2.59A      0.1625     0.1631      0.0006        0.2350     0.2323     -0.0027
2.59A->2.50A      0.1765     0.1757     -0.0008        0.2426     0.2428      0.0002
2.50A->2.40A      0.1882     0.1873     -0.0009        0.2514     0.2525      0.0011
2.40A->2.30A      0.2001     0.2000     -0.0001        0.2625     0.2641      0.0016

Note: For each incremental step of resolution from X->Y, the R-values were calculated at resolution X.

Raw data: BO_from2-80A_Rgap.csv

Note: The R-values were calculated at 2.80 Å resolution.

Dependence on resolution

Rfree CCfree
Rwork CCwork
Raw data: No_work_free_reflections

Optical resolution

Optical resolution
Raw data: BO_from2-80A_Optical_resolution.csv

Merging statistics

CC Intensities Comp_Mult Rmerge_Rmeas_Rpim No_reflections

Raw data: BO_from2-80A_merging_stats.csv

#shell d_max  d_min   #obs  #uniq   mult.  %comp       <I>  <I/sI>    r_mrg   r_meas    r_pim   cc1/2   cc_ano     cc* 
01     47.35   8.16  12463   1641    7.59  99.58     390.7    41.2    0.037    0.040    0.014   0.999   0.280   0.9997
02      8.16   5.87  21992   2683    8.20 100.00     196.2    29.0    0.062    0.066    0.023   0.998   0.122   0.9995
03      5.87   4.82  28271   3388    8.34 100.00     233.3    28.7    0.062    0.066    0.023   0.998   0.038   0.9995
04      4.82   4.19  33174   3950    8.40 100.00     263.0    28.1    0.063    0.068    0.023   0.998   0.027   0.9995
05      4.19   3.75  38299   4533    8.45 100.00     213.7    22.9    0.082    0.087    0.030   0.998  -0.003   0.9995
06      3.75   3.43  41442   4886    8.48  99.98     134.7    15.4    0.129    0.138    0.047   0.995  -0.000   0.9987
07      3.43   3.18  44981   5292    8.50 100.00      88.2    10.2    0.206    0.219    0.074   0.988   0.003   0.9970
08      3.18   2.97  50512   5936    8.51 100.00      54.5     6.6    0.324    0.345    0.117   0.971   0.004   0.9926
09      2.97   2.80  52338   6147    8.51 100.00      33.6     4.2    0.530    0.564    0.192   0.927   0.019   0.9809
10      2.80   2.70  37116   4393    8.45 100.00      24.0     3.0    0.745    0.793    0.271   0.852   0.017   0.9592
11      2.70   2.59  38450   5619    6.84 100.00      17.0     1.9    1.002    1.085    0.411   0.694   0.012   0.9052
12      2.59   2.50  27420   5353    5.12  99.79      13.5     1.2    1.198    1.338    0.584   0.524   0.025   0.8293
13      2.50   2.40  27592   6777    4.07  97.54      11.2     0.9    1.396    1.613    0.785   0.283   0.008   0.6642
14      2.40   2.30  24246   7300    3.32  89.13       8.7     0.6    1.795    2.145    1.140   0.176   0.007   0.5471

Statistics vs. cycle

2.80A statistics vs. cycle, flag 00
Log file from refinement at 2.80 Å
Structure model refined at 2.80 Å PDB mmCIF
2.70A statistics vs. cycle, flag 00
Log file from refinement at 2.70 Å
Structure model refined at 2.70 Å PDB mmCIF
2.59A statistics vs. cycle, flag 00
Log file from refinement at 2.59 Å
Structure model refined at 2.59 Å PDB mmCIF
2.50A statistics vs. cycle, flag 00
Log file from refinement at 2.50 Å
Structure model refined at 2.50 Å PDB mmCIF
2.40A statistics vs. cycle, flag 00
Log file from refinement at 2.40 Å
Structure model refined at 2.40 Å PDB mmCIF
2.30A statistics vs. cycle, flag 00
Log file from refinement at 2.30 Å
Structure model refined at 2.30 Å PDB mmCIF


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