Results - project

Calculations ended successfully.

Input parameters

High resolution diffraction limits:2.30 Å, 2.10 Å, 2.00 Å, 1.90 Å
Initial structure model:poli67_edit12_2-3A_refmac1.pdb
Merged diffraction data:poli67_1-9A.mtz
Data with FreeRflag set 0 will be excluded during refinement.

Run details and program versions

Working directory:/public/pairef_datasets/tutorial_poli67/pairef_project
Run date and time:2021-03-11 12:29:32
PAIREF version:1.2.2
REFMAC5 version:5.8.0258
Python version and executable:2.7.15 /protein2/phenix/phenix-1.16-3546/build/../conda_base/bin/python2.7
matplotlib version:2.2.3
WARNING: The version of REFMAC5 used for refinement of the input structure model `poli67_edit12_2-3A_refmac1.pdb` (5.8.0158) is not the same as the version of REFMAC5 that is now installed and used during paired refinement (5.8.0258). The results from PAIREF could be misleading. Consider refinement of the structure model `poli67_edit12_2-3A_refmac1.pdb` using the installed version of REFMAC5. This could be performed using the arguments --refmac --prerefinement-ncyc

Overall values

Raw data: project_R-values.csv
# Shell      Rwork(init) Rwork(fin) Rwork(diff)   Rfree(init) Rfree(fin) Rfree(diff)
2.30A->2.10A      0.2266     0.2288      0.0022        0.2962     0.2970      0.0008
2.10A->2.00A      0.2374     0.2383      0.0009        0.3111     0.3107     -0.0004
2.00A->1.90A      0.2479     0.2476     -0.0003        0.3160     0.3169      0.0009

Note: For each incremental step of resolution from X->Y, the R-values were calculated at resolution X.

Raw data: project_Rgap.csv

Note: The R-values were calculated at 2.30 Å resolution.

Dependence on resolution

Rfree CCfree
Rwork CCwork
Raw data: No_work_free_reflections

Optical resolution

Optical resolution
Raw data: project_Optical_resolution.csv

Statistics vs. cycle

2.10A statistics vs. cycle, flag 00
Log file from refinement at 2.10 Å
Structure model refined at 2.10 Å PDB mmCIF
2.00A statistics vs. cycle, flag 00
Log file from refinement at 2.00 Å
Structure model refined at 2.00 Å PDB mmCIF
1.90A statistics vs. cycle, flag 00
Log file from refinement at 1.90 Å
Structure model refined at 1.90 Å PDB mmCIF


Please reference the used software: